The Authoring tool and the Inline Manual Player work well right out of the box. However, you can use Advanced settings for further customization.

In the Advanced settings, you can:

  • Set up scroll type.
  • Adjust the Authoring tool selector settings.
  • Choose which URL part you want to track in your Analytics.

In this article, we’ll describe all these options.

Accessing the Site’s Advanced settings

  1. Login to the Inline Manual portal with your e-mail and password.

  2. Go to Sites and choose your desired Site.

  3. Go to the Settings tab and choose Advanced settings from the left side menu.

Now, let’s discuss what you can set up in each tab.

Authoring tab

The options available under the Authoring tab help you configure the Authoring tool to assign elements to steps more accurately. Read more about the Authoring settings.

Scroll tab

In Inline Manual, there are four scroll types that you can use:

  • Precise - it uses a custom method. It allows you to adjust options such as scroll position and scroll padding.

  • Legacy - it checks if an element is inside a viewport. Then it uses native Element.scrollIntoViewport() method. It is the default behaviour of scrolling.

  • Native - it uses native Element.scrollIntoViewport() method without any additional checks. If set, it will use the browser's scrolling, ignoring the scroll padding. You should use it when the target element is nested in multiple scrollable parents. This option does not allow any customization (e.g. animations) and may behave differently between browsers.

  • None - it won’t do any scrolling. It is designed to be used in rare cases when scrolling the element into the viewport would break the page layout (e.g. when there are global overflows).

Precise scrolling is useful when the steps are not positioned precisely as you wish. Sometimes, if an element is bigger than the browser window, a step may appear to scroll too far. You can fix this by selecting “precise scrolling" and setting the desired values. For example, how much it should scroll when a step is displayed.

Frames tab

iFrames Support is available to Enterprise subscribers. We can enable iframes on your request. Please send an email to [email protected].

Analytics tab

In the Analytics tab, you can choose which part of the URL will be visible in your Analytics. Depending on your needs, you can choose just one URL part or all of them. For example, if you have a single-page application, it is likely that you will use Fragment (#anchor).

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