After setting up Autolaunchers, Topics should launch automatically for users upon logging-in based on the chosen rules. However, if you still can’t get a Topic to launch automatically, you can troubleshoot to find out what is wrong. In this article, we will show you what you need to check and how to do it.
Check the Status Tool
The first thing to do when the Autolauncher is not working is to check the Status tool.
1. Go to the page where the Topic should launch automatically, open the Authoring tool and click the Status button. If you initially get a result indicating that the Player is not found, reload the page while the Authoring tool is open.
2. The Status tool will check if the Autolauncher is active on this page based on the Segments and activation rules that have been set. To see detailed results, click the Autolauncher title. You will see the set rules of the Autolauncher and the rules of the audience.
3. You will also find the Help & troubleshooting section below in a blue shaded box, which explains briefly how the Autolaunchers are launched, with a link provided to our knowledge base for convenient troubleshooting.
How to read the results
Number of plays - the amount of times the Autolauncher has been played for the user, reflected in the Autolauncher settings.
To access the Autolauncher settings:
1. Navigate to Sites within the Inline Manual portal.
2. Choose a Site.
3. Navigate to the Automation tab.
4. Choose the desired Autolauncher.
5. Click the edit button.
On this page, you can customise all the Autolauncher options.
In the screenshot above, you can see it’s set to "less than 1". However, it has an x because the Autolauncher has already been seen. Therefore, this rule does not match, outlined in the Help & troubleshooting box: "x Autolauncher or Rule is not valid".
Completions - the number of times a Topic has been completed.
If you have selected "Play only if a topic wasn’t completed" for the Autolauncher, you will get an x when the Topic has already been completed by the user. You will see a green check mark if the user hasn’t completed the Topic yet. This is an optional setting.
Autolauncher dismiss - if selected, an x means that the Topic has been dismissed and a green check mark if the user hasn’t dismissed the Topic. This is also an optional setting.
Audience - the parameters or rules selected to reveal the Topic to a group of users, or audience.
UID (uid) has any value - an example of a rule seen below. Other rules of the specified Segment are shown here so you can view whether or not they match for the current user.
Every rule seen in this section is reflected by the rules already determined in the Autolauncher settings, found in the Inline Manual portal, as well as the rules of the specific Segment. If a Topic is available to a certain segment/s, it should be duplicated for the Autolauncher audience. If not, the Topic will launch but it will not be visible. If you are using the Beta Player, you won't have to match the Audience with the availability options of the Topic.
User environment - other parameters exclusive to the Autolauncher such as Element visible or Current URL.
If the URL you entered in the Autolauncher settings is matched, or when the selected Element is seen on the page, you will get a green check mark.
Check the Segments
In order to see what rules are set up for the Segment:
- Go to the Inline Manual portal.
- Navigate to Sites and choose the correct site.
- Open the People tab.
- On the left-hand side of the page under Segments, click on the Segment.
- Review the Segment.
Now compare this with the results of the Status tool. Remember that if users don’t belong to the assigned Segment, the Topic will not launch for them.
If you want to see if the Topic is available to the Segment:
- Go to Sites and choose the correct Site.
- Navigate to the Topic tab, find your Topic.
- Underneath the Topic title, next to the small grey People icon, it shows the specified AND/OR filter and what Segments are available to the Topic.
- If you want to edit the Segments available for the Topic, click on the small pencil icon on the right-hand side (see below) to edit them.
In the screenshot below, the topic "How It Works" is only available to the Segments 'New users' and 'Sales'. Also, in this example, the Topic is set for Segments 'that match all filters (AND),' which means all of the active Segments here must match for the Topic to be seen by the user.
The alternative option is to select 'that match any filter (OR)', which will activate the Topic if the user matches any of the Segments rather than all of them. It will look for one match only. This can provide a more suitable option, depending on your use case.
The option to choose AND/OR availability for matching Segments is not reflected in the Status tool. It is only found in the Topics tab of the Inline Manual portal.
Enable the Player Debug Widget
By using this add-on, you can check the most recent time the player has been updated in the application. It may take a few minutes to populate changes on your site. For instructions on how to enable the debug player, go here.
Checking the above elements, such as segments, assigned URL and the time of the last player update, will help you determine why the Autolauncher is not working.
Ad-blockers may interfere with the Autolauncher performance. If you suspect that this may be causing the issue, contact the Support team at [email protected] .
If you still can’t figure out why your Autolaunchers are not working, contact our Support team at [email protected].
If possible, send us screenshots from the Status tool while on the page you expect to see the launcher. There's a good example at the top of this article, under the heading Check the Status Tool. For more guidance on this, see our Status - Inline Manual Diagnostic Tool article, and scroll down to the section Sending Screenshots.